Application Development

New Capability: Color Separation

In some situations, the separation of a region of interest from background must be made on the basis of color. In many cases, simply isolating the red, green, or blue channel will not produce the required separation. PSC has written a demonstration software application to do segmentation, or separation, of regions in an RGB color image. This software requires that the user select an exemplar color and a range of acceptable color variation. Software compensates for a wide range of illumination levels. Two examples are shown below, larva separated from leaf and leaf separated from soil background.

image Lepidoptera Larva on Leaf, original RGB Color Image on left; Segmented Image on right. image Aerial View of Field, original RGB Color Image on left; Segmented Image on right. Image courtesy of WinField Solutions, LLC.

Please see our Winter 2017 Newsletter for details.
Click here to Download Demonstration Software. Place zip file in a directory and unzip. See file README.txt for installation and run documentation.